Service Learning Projects

Service Learning

This is the part of the Character Programme where pupils apply their understanding of character virtues to a real life scenario through Service Learning Projects (SLPs).  SLPs are a series of lessons which engage pupils in a sustained commitment to their community.

SLPs  are designed to take pupils through a process of planning and carrying out a project, with in-built opportunities for reflection and celebrat ion of their work. In Floreat's schools, pupils in Reception organise a tea party to say ‘thank you’ to a person who has helped th em when they started school.

SLPs are designed to complement both the Virtue Literacy Programme and our wider educational goals.  For example, children  preparing for the tea party are encouraged to use language of gratitude when considering who to invite, and to practise making eye contact and speaking in a full senten ce when they present their invitation. Alongside timetabled lessons, a relevant visual stimulus is often shown to pupils in the morning to provide  an opportunity for the teacher to extend pupils’ learning.