
The Virtue Literacy Programme is designed to help teachers deepen pupils' conceptual understanding of a broad range of character virtues. Each virtue is studied once a year, in increasing compexity as children move up through school.

Two weeks are dedicated to each virtue. This way, all 18 virtues can be covered in each academic year (39 weeks). The grid above shows the order in which we advise you teach the virtues (progressing horizontally). By doing this you can ensure a consistent whole-school focus that can then be reinforced during assemblies and whole-school celebrations. The 18 virtues can then also be added to planners and school calendars.

Our Virtue Literacy Programme is fully resourced with stories and activities for each lesson. Where there are two activities, teachers may choose to do one or both, according to preference or time considerations. 

Big Pictures have also been created for each half term and each year group. These depict virtue-related scenarios and moral dilemmas pertaining to the three virtues explored that half term.

Within the PDF lesson packs, each half-termly unit is colour coded, and has its own front cover featuring the relevant picture and stating the year group and half term for which the lessons are intended. 

Teachers are, of course, free to use the materials in a different order, being careful only to introduce the Big Pictures at appropriate times.